Our process servers have been serving legal documents on CT Corporation for over 20 years. Because we are located in and registered in Los Angeles California and serve cases here on a daily basis you can rest assured your case will be handled timely.. Every case we receive goes out for service the same day and once service is completed your proof of service is promptly prepared and returned to you.
What’s more, you’re notified of any problem service before we prepare an affidavit of non-service and return your court documents. More often then not issues can be resolved on the spot while serving CT Corporation.
Our Los Angeles process servers serve any legal documents filed in any court including summons & complaint, subpoena, bank levy, wage attachment, small claims case, unlawful detainer (eviction), notice to pay or quit, restraining orders and more. Cal Process performs service of process for individuals, attorneys, small business, large corporations and government agencies.
SAME-DAY SERVICE OF PROCESS is available to CT Corporation in Los Angeles. Please call for rates.